Schedule-HQ Amsterdam

Schedule adults HQ Amsterdam

schedule adults

Kids schedule Amsterdam HQ

schedule kids may 2017



Better Than Your Morning Coffee! Don’t miss out on our new morning programs – Basic Kung Fu & Fighters Fit!


Join our Basic Kung fu program and start your day with a Kick! We have training on two mornings a week – Tuesdays & Fridays from 10:00 until 11:30 am. All grade levels are welcome!


Bored of the Health clubs? New Year’s resolutions wearing thin?

Then maybe it’s time you joined IWKA’s Fighters Fit program! Combining high intensity cross fit routines with exciting martial arts skills and training, you’ll never set foot in a health club again!

Prepared to be functionally fit: to push every aspect of your body to the max so that you’re healthy, strong and in shape. So that you’re fit to do anything that life throws at you. Since the exercises are done in group workouts, the others often encourage you and help you push your boundaries. The companionship at IWKA is part of what makes our programs so unique.

The instructors will teach, motivate and guide you through the workouts and help modify them around your skills.

If you have any interest in the following programs, don’t hesitate to call IWKA at 020 612 2758 or send an email to

See you there!