- Long pole seminar
The longpole seminar with GM Sunny So and GM Sergio P. Iadarola was given on the 25th of September in the new IWKA German HQ in Osnabrück. Participants came from Brasil, Greece, Lithuania, Italy , Holland and Germany.
After their long trip from Hong Kong Sifu Sunny and Sifu Sergio were welcomed in the Black Belt Academy in Osnabrück by the new Chief trainer for Germany, Sifu Wolfgang Herges.
GM Sunny So was the last todai of the late GM Tang Yick, who already during his life was called “the king of the longpole”
Together with Sifu Sergio,Sifu Sunny So took the students through the first four sections of the Longpole techniques.
Because the wetter was perfect most of the 3 days seminar could be given in the 2000 m2 garden of the academy.
Also the children had the possibility to learn from both grandmasters.
- Sifu Sunny So, Sifu Wolfgang Herges and Sifu Sergio
- Long pole seminar Osnabrück Sept.2011
- Sifu Sergio teaching