Some People have a hard time believing that there exists something like real internal skill. I was once such a skeptic myself until i got my eyes opened. The main problem is that there are in fact many charlatans out there who ruin it for the people
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="" align="left"]Archive for the Seminars / Summercamps Category
Enjoy this video shot at my recent instructeur seminar in Madrid Spain where i Taught my IWKA Wing Tjun System. Even some Breakdance was taught as you can see at the end of the video.
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="" align="left"]Gallery of a fantastic summercamp for Wing Tju Kung Fu was held in Osnabrück Germany, from the 4th till the 6th of June 2010
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="" align="left"]Gallery for the seminar in Amsterdam 2009 with grandmaster Cho Kin So (GM Sunny So) from Hong Kong, the last student of the late Grandmaster Tang Yick, Ip Man wing tjun Grandmaster Allan Fong and multi-styled kung fu expert and research historian sifu Clifford Ip.
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="" align="left"]Gallery othe seminar in Amsterdam 2008 by two of sifu Sergio’s teachers Grandmaster Tang Chung pak and Grandmaster Sunny So Came from Hong Kong.
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