12-04-2009: On the 11th of april we had our graduation party at the HQ in Amsterdam Around 80 students passed their tests for the next level! It was great as usual for all the students our congratulations!!! Sifu Sergio and his instructors team at the HQ Amsterdam.
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/graduation-party-at-the-hq-april-2009/" align="left"]Archive for the Archive 2009 Category
04-04-2009 From the 18th till the 27th of march, the grandmaster of the IWKA Sifu Sergio Iadarola visited the USA again with his two master instructors Sifu Graziano di Giorgio and Sifu Taner Erdogan and his program director Paul Resnick. On the agenda were some meetings with
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/541/" align="left"]12-03-2009: The IWKA is doing better than ever before around the world! While the media are telling us it should be otherwise, the state of the art programs and the deep traditional values of Kung Fu make the IWKA schools flourish around the world. Here are some
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/the-iwka-is-doing-better-than-ever-before/" align="left"]20-02-2009: On the 19th of February the Grandmaster of the IWKA gave a demo on the concept mind like water at the seminar of David Allen an authority on mindset and organizing in the USA. David Allen is also a number one bestselling author having sold millions
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/demo-on-the-19th-of-february-at-the-seminar-of-david-allen/" align="left"]16-02-2009: On the 14th and 15th of February several seminars were held at the international HQ in Amsterdam. The adults were treated to two seminars by grandmaster Sergio Iadarola. On saturday it was a three hour seminar and the handing over of the certificates ceremony. For the
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/seminar14th-and-15th-of-february/" align="left"]22-01-2009: On the 17th of January, Sihing Michael Morris from the HQ and sifu’s Wolfgang Herges from Germany and Claudio Legname from Italy passed their exams! After a test of 14 hours going through all the programs and finishing of with free sparring and conditioning where they
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/special-day-in-the-amsterdam-hq/" align="left"]