Archive for the Archive 2007 Category

December 2007

15-12-2007: The 15th and 16th of December 2007 Grandmaster Sergio Iadarola made another trip to Spain to visit his master student and chief instructor of Spain Sifu Alfredo Valia Jort. He gave a two day’s seminar in the Spanish capital Madrid.   06-12-2007: Another testing week at

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The 1th and 2th of sept 2 day seminar in Great Britain.

The 1th and 2th of sept 2 day seminar in Great Britain.

04-09-2007: The 1th and 2th of sept Grandmaster Sergio Iadarola gave a two day seminar by Master Paul Hawkes 5th level practician and the former chief instructor of the EWTO Great Britain. The students were very impressed by the way the Grandmaster explained the theory and techniques

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The best seminar in the history of the IWKA 2007

The best seminar in the history of the IWKA 2007

26-06-2007: The 22, 23 and 24th of June over 140 students from the Netherlands, Spain, Germany and Italy met in the international HQ of the IWKA to take part in what would become one if not the best seminar in the history of the IWKA. On Friday

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The 1st and 2nd of May Allan Fong came again to Amsterdam

The 1st and 2nd of May Allan Fong came again to Amsterdam

27-05-2007: The 1st and 2nd of May the grandmaster of the year (BUDO INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE) Allan Fong came again to Amsterdam to visit GM Sergio Iadarola to discuss and train Chi Sim Wing Tjun and planning the seminar tour for Chi Sim Wing Tjun in the USA.

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The Eternal Spring Fist Seminar on 22nd, 23rd, 24th of June

The Eternal Spring Fist Seminar on 22nd, 23rd, 24th of June

05-05-2007: On the 22nd, 23rd, 24th of June a special event is held in the Amsterdam HQ The Eternal Spring Fist seminar. A one of a kind seminar were people from Spain, Germany, Holland and Italy can train together to improve their skill and understanding of the

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Meeting 27th till the 29th of april 2007

02-05-2007: The 27th till the 29th of April the three masters of the IWKA in yip man wing tjun and chief instructors for Germany and Spain, visited their sifu GM Sergio Iadarola for a mastermind meeting and the training of the Tang family luk dim poon kwan

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Chi Sao seminar in the spanish capital Madrid.

Chi Sao seminar in the spanish capital Madrid.

17-04-2007: On the 31th of march the grandmaster of the iwka gave a special Chi Sao seminar in the Spanish capital Madrid. The three ways of force was explained in detail and how to implement this into the Chi Sao programs, Gong and Yau theory, and part

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50% increase of members for the IWKA.

10-03-2007: The IWKA is proud to announce an increase of about 50% in members compared to the same period last year. Our worldwide seminars are attracting on average around 80 people pro seminar consistently due to the quality of instructors and instruction given by our association. The

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Open seminar of Wing Tjun Kung Fu in Palermo.

02-03-2007: On the 21 of january Sifu Claudio Legname the IWKA chief instructor of the beautiful Italian island of Sicilie gave an open seminar of Wing Tjun Kung Fu in Palermo. Congratulations to a job well done claudio! On the 24th and 25th of february Grandmaster Sergio

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