05-12-2003: After seeing Dai-Sifu in action during his Italy seminars 9 new schools decided to join the IWKA.Sifu Franco Giannone will help the Northern part of Italy to be able to learn the real authentic wingtjun of the IWKA. With Stefano Ricci 4TG on board we have
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/1072/" align="left"]Archive for the Archive 2003 Category
23-11-2003: The 22nd of November Dai-Sifu Sergio Iadarola conducted yet another technician seminar in Naples and it seems that every time he does the number of participants just keeps increasing. This time around forty technicians attended. The total ammount of technicians in Italy is well over fifty
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/technician-seminar-in-naples/" align="left"]09-11-2003: As anticipated many participants visited the Tai Chi seminar with GM Allan Fong at the Headquarter in Amsterdam. Both students and teachers learned a lot and were able to make comparisons between Tai Chi and WingTjun. During the breaks was enough time to ask GM Allan
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/tai-chi-seminar-with-grandmaster-allan-fong/" align="left"]08-11-2003: The IWKA is glad to announce that we are now able to teach our Wing Tjun Kung Fu in one more country, Denmark.Sihing Henrik Sprechler (2. TG), Thomas Roskjaer (2. TG) and Soren Bogelund (10. SG.) have joined the IWKA and now teach in Denmark. We
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/1081/" align="left"]19-10-2003: The second seminar in Madrid with Dai-Sifu Sergio Iadarola was an even bigger succes than the first one. More people, also from other WT-branches attended this seminar. Again Dai-Sifu Sergio Iadarola convinced everybody with the theory and logic of the IWKA WingTjun system. Both sihing Misha
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/seminar-in-madrid-spain/" align="left"]06-10-2003: Again the seminar by Dai-Sifu Sergio Iadarola at the school of Sifu Andreas Bengez in Rodgau was a great experience. As every time his explanations and demonstrations were on highest level. Furthermore he created an unbelievably familiar and relaxed atmosphere. Sihing Misha and Stefan Berlijn (3rd
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/seminar-in-rodgau-germany/" align="left"]14-09-2003: What a day! Not only was it Dai-Sifu’s birthday but also the opening of the new IWKA Headquarters And what a HQ it is! Over 300 square meters of Wing Tjun paradise.The party was a smashing success, over 300 guests enjoyed the party. Special honorary guests
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/grand-opening-party/" align="left"]07-09-2003: The first WingTjun seminar at the new HQ was a smashing succes, about 70 students made it to their next level. Dai-Sifu Iadarola was assisted by Sifu Andreas Bengez 3rd TG from Germany and his wife Simo Tina Bengez 2nd TG, also in attendence were Sihing
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/first-seminar-at-the-new-hq/" align="left"]03-07-2003:The latest seminar at the Amsterdam Headquarter was a great success. Almost 100 students were there. 14-08-2003:The IWKA is happy to announce the joining of South Africa to the association. We wish instructor Claude Ruegg 1st TG success with his new position.
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/south-africa-joined-the-iwka/" align="left"]03-08-2003: On the 28th and 29th of July there was again an Instructors-Seminar in Italy. Almost all of the over 50 italien Technicians were there. They came from whole Italy to Napoli to join Sifu Sergios Seminar.
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/instructors-seminar-in-napoli-italy/" align="left"]