From the 31st of October till the 1st of November a fantastic seminar was given by Wing Tjun Grandmaster Sifu Sergio Iadarola and Escrima Grandmaster Rene Latosa,
its the second time that the two worked together in presenting a seminar, the first being last IWKA summer-camp in Stuttgart Germany.
The two grandmasters arrived in Naples southern Italy on Friday the 30th and were taken on a sight seeing tour by their host Master Pietro D’Alesio Grandmaster Latosa was very impressed with the beautiful scenery as it was his first time in the city
The saying “FIRST SEE NAPELS THAN YOU CAN DIE” was not created for nothing.
Then the second welcomed surprise arrived “THE FOOD” jokes were made during the two days that it was the first time that there was more eating then teaching done.
The first day of the seminar was held in Aversa in the School of Master Pietro D’Alesio for instructors only
The instructors were taken through several devastating Kam Na techniques as taught by Grandmaster Sergio Iadarola, Grandmaster Rene Latosa took the students through the base of his Escrima system.
The second day was held in Caserta for the students, over 80 students were given 5 hours of the highest quality Wing tjun and escrima on the planet, during the seminar the grandmasters were greeted by the Mayor of the city and some fotos were taken for a newspaper article. At the end of the seminar Sifu Salvatore Mezzone chief instructor of Caserta was awarded his Master degree in Yip Man wing tjun resulting in a long applause and festivities in the evening.
Monday morning a tour was planned to see the famous palace in caserta where George Lucas also shot part of his star wars movies, due to the effort made by Sifu Mezzone the grandmasters were allowed to film Wing Tjun and Escrima clips and DVDs in the garden of the Palace which will be released soon on sifu sergio’s you tube channel and the DVD will be available at www.sifusergio.com
- Seminar in Italy with GM Latosa
- GM Sergio Iadarola teaching at the seminar
- Celebrating the master certificate of master Salvatore Mezzone
- Master Salvatore Mezzone, GM Latosa, the mayor, Master Pietro d'Alesio and GM Iadarola